Canada is home to many students because most of the best colleges are there. One of the important eligibility criteria to gain admission to Canada is a Statement of Purpose (SOP). It is an essay of 800-1500 words written by the students. You should try to make the essay as appealing as possible to get admission to top universities in Canada. A SOP should include your introduction, highlighting your academic and professional achievements, goals, and motive to choose the specific Course. The SOP helps the admission panel assess your prospects, ambitions, expectations from the universities and, most importantly, your subject knowledge for the chosen Course. There are two types of SOP for Canada.

Key points:

  1. The ideal word limit for SOP is 800-1500. The word limit can differ depending on the university and Course.
  2. Your SOP will include your academic and professional achievements, interests and skills. It should showcase your financial position.
  3. To study in Canada, two types of SOPs are required- SOP for Canadian Student Visa and SOP for Canadian Universities.

In this blog, we will discuss the format of the SOP and the steps to writing an SOP for Canada.

Types of SOP for Canada

Understanding the types of SOPs accepted in Canada is essential to get admission to Canada. Apart from academic SOP, you must write other kinds of SOP like Canadian student visas and Canadian universities. We have explained below the types of SOP for your better understanding.

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SOP for Canadian Student Visa

Many SOPs get rejected during the immigration process due to reasons like paraphrased information or being unattractive. To make your SOP for Canadian Student Visa flawless, you should consider adding information about the following topics:

  1. Reasons to study in Canada
  2. Post-study Plans
  3. Your plans to travel back to your country
  4. Course choice and reason to choose that Course
  5. Reasons to apply to a particular university.

SOP Canadian Universities

The SOP for Canadian universities is more personalised than the SOP for Canadian Student visas. Usually, the word limit for SOP is 800-1500 words, but it can vary depending on the university. The common factors that the admission committee look for in your SOP are:

  1. Social Work
  2. Skills
  3. Professional Experience
  4. Previous Academic Scores.

How to Write SOP to Study in Canada

Now that you have understood SOP and its types, it is essential to understand the steps to write the SOP to study in Canada. Writing an SOP is not tricky, but you should carefully write it according to the format.

Step 1: Attractive Introduction

Step 2: Academic Background

Step 3: Reasons to select the specific Course

Step 4: Final remarks.

Sample of SOP for Canada


The Canadian Visa Officer,

Canadian High Commission,


Subject: Statement of Purpose for the Student Visa Application

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am Ishika Maheshwari, a citizen of India with passport number 4375960. I want to complete my higher studies by earning a better degree from Canada. After extensive work and research, I am admitted to a two-year master’s Course at Western University in MIM – Master’s in Management. I’m writing this statement as a part of my application process for a student visa to pursue my higher education in Canada.

Academic and Professional background

My urge to learn new things has consistently led me to earn good grades in my academic career. In 2018, I completed my secondary schooling at XYZ school with 79 per cent; in 2020, I passed higher secondary with 91 per cent at XYZ junior college. I then enrolled in XYZ Indraprasth University to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, finishing in 2023 with a 93.3% grade point average.

In 2023, after completing my Bachelor’s degree, I started working for XYZ company as a Reporter. As part of my duties, I organised storylines and news reporting stories.

Family and Sponsorship details

I come from a reputed family in Kolkata, India. I’ve always had my family’s support, so it makes me feel blessed to be able to pursue my higher education in Canada with their moral and financial assistance. My parents run their own business, and my elder brother is employed as an automobile engineer at XYZ company.

My parents will be providing the financial assistance, and I have already paid the institution my CAD tuition fees and kept a CAD GIC account open to cover my living costs. You will be convinced by the supporting documentation I have included with this statement and my financial capabilities to fund the curriculum in Canada.

What made me prefer Canada over other countries?

Canada’s priority on the best quality education, advanced courses, and industry-related curriculum appealed to my interests. I preferred Canada over Indian institutions for international exposure and hands-on training in my field of study because those organisations emphasised theoretical rather than practical knowledge in their programs. As a result, I decided to study abroad. Although I had initially considered studying in the USA, the UK, or Australia, I ultimately decided against it due to the prohibitively expensive living costs and tuition there. I chose to favour Canada because it provides affordable academic possibilities without sacrificing the quality of living. Moreover, Canada is a home to warm and inviting residents and has a multicultural academic atmosphere, which will make my stay comfortable.

Why did I choose XYZ College in particular?

My time at XYZ College would be fruitful, given its dedication to graduate employment and student satisfaction. I want to use the college’s real-world career training that aligns with the most recent business trends. I would have a memorable academic experience owing to the college’s advanced learning facilities and experienced professors. Since the college collaborates with the Canada Homestay Network, I would be fine living in Canada. Additionally, I discovered that several privileges, including housing, a bus pass, health insurance, and admission to numerous clubs and events, are included in the college’s tuition expenses. I was, therefore, eager to enrol for the Course at XYZ College.

Future Plans

After completing the Course, I want to return to India and explore the career opportunities there. With the help of the suggested Course, I can develop the skills I need to pursue a career effectively and professionally. With my collective expertise and experience, I hope to build my Management company in my native country, where I can manage the execution of several medium and large-size construction projects. I would experience a prosperous professional career in India. In addition, I want to be near my family and help them as they assist me. So, after I graduate, I’ll return to India to reunite with my family and establish my vocation.


With the information provided above about me, I am submitting my application for a student visa to Canada for your kind consideration. I pledge to make the most of the chances and show XYZ College, Canada, I am a great asset. I’m confident that you would reach a beneficial conclusion for me.


Passport No.

Importance of SOP for Canada Study Visa

Canada hosts numerous top universities; every year, lakhs of Indian students travel to Canada to study. Your SOP should stand out in the admission committee to get admission to top universities. The importance of SOP for a Canada Study Visa is because of the following reasons:

  1. You should know that your application can be rejected if your SOP is found to be paraphrased, unimpressive, or plagiarised.
  2. SOP is the only way you can get into top universities. So, the admission committee looks for extracurricular activities, skills, and professional and academic merits.
  3. Your SOP for Canada can lead you to admission to top universities in Canada.

How is the SOP for Canada study visa different from other countries?

To study in Canada, SOP is essential for the following reasons:

  1. Your SOP is needed to apply to universities and the immigration process in Canada.
  2. The SOP for a Canada study visa explains
  • The reason to choose Canada as a study destination
  • Your academic plans
  • Your post-course completion plans
  • Reason to select a specific course and university.

3. You can use the same SOP for the immigration process and university applications.

To Wrap Up

SOP is an essential document to explain the reasons for studying in Canada. Though the SOP for Canada study visa and the SOP for Canadian Universities is different, you can use one SOP for both processes. SOP is important to get admission to some of the top universities in Canada.

Break your SOP into paragraphs for the reader’s comfort. You should adhere to the word limit of 800-1500 words. Your SOP should be short and to the point. To learn more, contact a Leap scholar today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is a SOP for Canada study visa?

A. SOP for Canada study visa is an essay written by applicant to apply for studying in Canada. SOP that is statement of purpose mentions the following information such as:
1. Academic Merits
2. Professional Merits
3. Skills
4. Extra-Curicular activities
5. Social work, etc.

Q. How to write SOP for Canada student visa?

A. SOP is of two types SOP for Canada student visa and SOP for Canadian Universities. Usually both the SOPs are required during the admission process and you can write one SOP and use it for both the purposes.
The steps you should keep in mind while writing SOP for Canada student visa are:
1. Introduction
2. Brief about academic background
3. Reasons to select specific courses
4. Conclusion.

Q. What is the SOP format for Canada?

A. The SOP format for Canada is:
1. Introduction
2. Academic and Professional background
3. Future prospects of completing the course
4. Final remarks
You should always keep in mind about proofreading your SOP before submitting it for immigration process and to the universities.

Q. How to write SOP for Canada study visa after refusal?

A. If your SOP for Canada Study Visa is rejected you should again write your SOP from scratch keeping in mind the following points:
1. You should mention the reasons on why your SOP was rejected
2. You should also provide the justification of your rejected SOP
3. Provide supporting documents to justify your reason.

Q. What is SOP for pg diploma in Canada?

A. Your SOP for pg diploma is moreover similar to the SOP submitted for immigration process and Canadian universities.The SOPs for pg diploma in Canada should be formal and well presented. The format for the SOP for pg diploma in Canada is:
1. Introduction
2. Academic and Professional background
3. Future aim and targets and reasons to choose the target
4. Financial status
5. Conclusion.

Q. What is SOPs role in visa?

A. In the process of issuing visa to students SOPs play an important role. It is important as in the selection process they evaluate-
1. Your reason to study in Canada
2. Your plans after completing the course
3. Your plans to travel back to your home country
4. Your reason to choose a specific course and university.

Q. Is SOP compulsory in Canada?

A. Yes, the SOP is compulsory in Canada to get admission in some of the top universities in Canada. There are two types of SOPs required in Canada-
1. SOP for Canadian Universities
2. SOP for Study Visa
You can also write one SOP for both immigration and university application purpose as the format for both is approximately same.

Q. How many pages is SOP in Canada?

A. Usually, there is no fixed pages to which you should adhere to while writing SOPs in Canada. There is a word limit of 800-1500 words to write the SOP for both study visa and Canadian universities. Your SOP should stand out among other applicant’s SOPs to get admission in some of the top universities in Canada.

Q. Why is SOP rejected?

A. Your SOP can be rejected due to the following reasons:
1. Your SOP is plagiarised or paraphrased
2. Your SOP is not attractive or is not impressive
3. Your SOP doesn’t include the necessary information such as- academic and professional background, interests and skills.

Q. Can I copy SOP for Canada?

A. No, you can’t copy the SOP for Canada as your SOP should be original and not plagiarised or paraphrased. SOP is the document that is considered by the admission committee and while the immigration process. The SOP should reflect your interests, achievements, academic and professional background and social work.

Q. How do I start a SOP?

A. To start a SOP you should follow certain format to present information about yourself to the admission committee as you are not individually given feedback. The format of SOP is:
1. Introduction
2. Academic and Professional background
3. Hobbies, Interests and Skills
4. Conclusion.

Q. Can I use quotes in my SOP?

A. Yes, you can use quotes in your SOP but it should be used limited. You can use quote while you are introducing yourself, mentioning academic and professional background. While writing quotes in the SOP you should keep in mind that your SOP should be original and not paraphrased. It should information about your skills, social work and achievements in different fields.

By Jofse

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